why are Seaside, Parks employees using their position to sexual harass, groom, attack, and lure sexual assault victims?
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From: mary rose lenore eng <maryeng1@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: sexual attacker who works for seaside parks
To: <rmarx@seasidesignal.com>, Brandon Farley <bfarley88@gmail.com>, Skyler Archibald <sarchibald@sunsetempire.com>, <tanya.dehart@nwsds.org>, Shaysee May <shaysee.may@nwsds.org>, PAKSERESHT Fariborz <FARIBORZ.PAKSERESHT@dhsoha.state.or.us>, <ZACHARY.P.GEHRINGER@dhsoha.state.or.us>, <info@mealsonwheelsamerica.org>, <newstips@katu.com>, <news@koin.com>, <news1@coastradio.org>, <tips@nbcuni.com>, Maxine Bernstein <mbernstein@oregonian.com>, Shane Kavanaugh <Skavanaugh@oregonian.com>, Keith Fink <kfink@finklawfirm.com>, <celia@hoevetlaw.com>, <monterotita1@gmail.com>
From: mary rose lenore eng <maryeng1@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: sexual attacker who works for seaside parks
To: <rmarx@seasidesignal.com>, Brandon Farley <bfarley88@gmail.com>, Skyler Archibald <sarchibald@sunsetempire.com>, <tanya.dehart@nwsds.org>, Shaysee May <shaysee.may@nwsds.org>, PAKSERESHT Fariborz <FARIBORZ.PAKSERESHT@dhsoha.state.or.us>, <ZACHARY.P.GEHRINGER@dhsoha.state.or.us>, <info@mealsonwheelsamerica.org>, <newstips@katu.com>, <news@koin.com>, <news1@coastradio.org>, <tips@nbcuni.com>, Maxine Bernstein <mbernstein@oregonian.com>, Shane Kavanaugh <Skavanaugh@oregonian.com>, Keith Fink <kfink@finklawfirm.com>, <celia@hoevetlaw.com>, <monterotita1@gmail.com>
Thanks for investigating why I was denied opportunities at Seaside Parks who continue to employ the man who attacked me.
If it wasn't for rjmarx telling me to report it to the police, I wouldn't have that perverted admission he "wrestled me"
Skyler could ask Chris duffy if when he was "wrestling" me as stated in the adult protection report, did he pin both my knees and arms leaving bruising on my arm, and did he also forcefully grind his penis on my thigh as I struggled to break free.
If duffy fully confirms these details, is that nonconsensual type of attempted rape enough to keep him away from the kids & seniors, etc?
Well at least Skyler admits that it's unfortunate that he thinks he can't fire Chris Duffy! I think Skyler needs to exert powerful leadership to make women feel included in the Parks District! he needs to get to the bottom of the assault and provide findings to the public because the threat of violence is too severe and real and the discriminatory impact is too real.
So he needs further substantiation: he needs to ask Duffy very specific questions and I will provide them to him and he will have to answer honestly.
Has Skyler actually read my entire affidavit in the form of my protective order I did that to assist the parks District have a sworn testimony of the extreme violence?
Due to my lack of safety speaking to Skyler and my fear of reprisal I began this with baby steps I'm fully able to explain to Skyler in great horrifying detail what exactly happened and what his line of questioning needs to be
the detective I was uncomfortable speaking with also due to knowing his alleged past sexual abuse of suspects for that reason there was not ever a proper investigation & due to fears of Duffy's immense size immense capacity for violence and his over powering me.
Why is Duffy lying to the police and lying to the park district not a concern for the park district? what else is he lying about?
Why is the park district so eager to believe the lies of a sexual abuser?
Why is DHS?
Why doesn't the park have any women in high salary positions who could exert leadership in the absence of effective leadership to guarantee safety and non-discrimination?
Why would women want to work there or feel safe to work there given the current circumstances of people who either protect sexual abuse or conduct vicious violent attacks and harassment campaigns and stalking via lawyers and intimidation and violence?
Duffy needs to come clean I guess it needs to be recorded he needs to be on record stating whether or not he forcefully and violently slammed me down pinning my arms and pinning my legs as I struggled as his penis he rammed on me--- disgusting me with his violence and violation of my rights to my home future safety career
If he's going to lie, fine. he was never fully questioned
I don't think Skyler asked him if duffy tried to shove his hand in my pants which I prevented after asking me to work at Meals on wheels which
Is DHS funded. I never thought a DHS worker would sexually attack a client or
Potential worker especially in the building of primarily elderly disabled ladies
I was even concerned he would return to that building to assault more people so I documented it with HUD and NOHA as he needs to be 86'd.
I don't think Skyler asked duffy if he grabbed my left boob repeatedly which I swatted his hand away and then he grabbed it again and I swatted again feeling great fear of the intensifying sexual harassment.
Does Skyler know that I met with the district attorney and detective and victims assistance pouring tears out of my eyes trying to explain to them how traumatizing it is to have a man grabbing your breast repeatedly as you push his hand away and you were terrified of him I don't think they understand.
I didn't want to lose the job opportunity
But I knew I would have to report his sexual harassment
And that is b4 he got extremely violent. Intimidating me with a brutal attack to punish me for reprimanding his unwanted groping and sexual innuendo and questions which made me feel uncomfortable and creeped out.
After the violence I was more afraid.
What if he assaulted me at the center?
What if he assaulted me again to punish me for telling?
Skyler needs to ask duffy if he repeatedly grabbed my boob after offering me a job. Ask if he tried to grab into my waistband to grab my crotch and that when I told him he was acting like an abuser he got extremely violent pinning me down grinding himself on me against my will as I struggled.
Why am I not allowed to work there? Bc I would not let this man abuse me?
Skyler Archibald told me I should avoid the side of the facility where the attacker works.
I didn't assault anyone. Why should assaulters be rewarded and the victims punished thru exclusion?
I am being discriminated against for gender for unwillingness to be harrassed groped or assaulted and for not staying silent about this uncomfortable issue.
I did not know this parks district would hire violent sexual pests, or I never would have entertained the notion of the job, if I realized it was a front organization for sleaze and perverts.
My privacy was violated when he tried to sexually molest me, abusing my fear of losing a job contact.
Skyler can ask Duffy if Duffy tried to pry into my personal records to try to find a justification for his assault. that privacy violation alone is a harassment of a former client that is uncalled for, unprofessional and a form of abuse and intimidation of a client to prevent the client from obtaining Services of the park district.
This Type of stalking behavior is extremely alarming Skylar should also ask him if he repeatedly contacted me via email trying to get me to hang out with him a stranger who allegedly worked on the Hillary Clinton campaign in Michigan or trying to have my blogs deleted to hide evidence of his crime impact on me that made me feel very freaked out that he was trying to silence me after committing a crime upon me.
none of the behavior was consensual because it was all occurring in a state of fear that he would kill strangle murder or rape me or rip my hair. Smother me from screaming.
and when he was very violent I was struggling with all my will and was brave enough to clearly verbally explain but he was acting like an abuser only knowing that if I didn't make it even more clear I would be blamed for the rape but if I did make it even more clear that I didn't want him to keep attacking me he would get violent so its a no win.
This process has never felt respectful of my rights or is my privacy my privacy was violated by his invasive sexual predator that he employs around the elderly and my privacy is invaded every time I attend a Park District when I'm harassed and bullied for reporting this assault.
He slammed me down so hard I felt my neck bones crunch up and I could have been knocked unconscious or dead with the force he took me down
When he almost killed me by snapping me down so violently and thrashing my neck I thought he would be the kind of guy to rape my corpse in a necrophiliac way he was that extremely violent and disturbingly cruel.
I hope he has never killed anyone. I immediately assumed he had raped before because he had such a formula robotic way of attacking and slamming and pinning my knees and my arms.
Was the violence of his forceful slam down a homicide attempt or an attempt to knock me out of Consciousness so he could force the attack on me--- grind himself on me as I was feeling pain in my neck and arms where he pinched me.
in victim pathology they discuss fight or flight or freeze due to his severe large size bigger than me I was in a freeze which frightened me because I didn't want to die even if it meant I had to let him rape me I was trying to minimize his behavior to prevent negative repercussions to me if I reported a crime at my apartment I was afraid I would be blamed due to the bad management and neighbors
I was afraid if he completed the rape he would give me a disease impregnate me or injure my internal organs that amount of psychological torture has never been compensated for by the assailant or by the people that pay his salary nobody in this community has made it right what he did to me in the amount of fear danger and pain and emotional anguish he put on me through his terrible choice to harass me when he repeatedly hit on me in front of my partner.
I would want better for your relatives if they were similarly assaulted.
Does Skyler realize the corruption and cover-up go up into the DA's office.
The DA is so delusional or cover up oriented he tried to rewrite the whole crime with an alternate narrative proving to me that he did not read the material and he made up a fantasy in his mind of a softened version of the crime so that he could provide an excuse not to prosecute while the parks District was demanding 20 million dollars from the taxpayer.
that was a lot of pressure to put on the district attorney jeopardizing the funds of the park district if he didn't cover up for the sexual predator
I know that because the Katu investigator uncovered the mindset of the district attorney.
And that was a lot of pressure to put on me to either cover up Duffy's crime or endanger the reputation of the park district I fully expected this to be front-page news and with vicious victim-blaming dissecting me putting me in danger and putting my family in danger I was willing to put that all on the line because I believe it's important not to treat women in such an abusive violent and dangerous and reprehensible and grotesque way
Thanks for caring anyone who does.
Please be aware of how societal indifference intensifies the pain.
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