skyler archibald tried to embroil Seaside Taxpayer in his Broadway Middle School (BMS) asbestos boondoggle

This email was sent to the SEPRD board tonight:
The only one of you who I can recall being on the SEPRD board in November 2019 is Mike Hinton. So I'll assume that the rest of you have never seen the document prepared by SEPRD staff for review and discussion by the board last November. This has been kept from the public in violation of public
records and meeting law. I have attached a copy of my
record of my efforts to have the document released. I have been told that it's not being used (implication that all of it has been thrown out the window and none of it is continued to be considered) I have read the document fairly thoroughly and attached notes. I believe this is the basis of further plans, written or unwritten, which have also been discussed by you away from public view and in violation of public record and meeting law. I believe it is the basis of untruths regarding 'there is no plan' and 'there have been no estimates of the cost of repairing, rehabbing, remediating BMS'.
You will find plans for programs; plans and costs for almost 14 full time equivalent additional staff, etc. and 2 estimates of asbestos remediation costs. You will find an inspection report which summarizes a dismal and expensive-to-remediate condition with enough detail to be scary. I think parents reading the report will be appalled to know their children were spending 6+ hours daily in this building. And the cost of remediation is in the $5M range. And a bond issue was proposed - justified as being for less than the one voted down in 2018.
If you're paying for new inspections, hopefully they are more detailed than the inspection report contained in the 11/19 document. And more detail will reveal more TRUTH.
I find it hard to believe that these are things that you all haven't been discussing out of public sight in violation of public record and public meeting law.
You can access "BMS Master Plan 2019 November with notations.pdf" on the 'Transparency for SEPRD Taxpayers' group page: where I have published this public document.
My suspicion is that your not-in-public discussions have been considerations of buying the building now and waiting a few years to float the necessary bond - all the while most of BMS continues to molder.
All of this truth is another reason that you cannot approve the purchase of a $2.5M building needing $5M of repairs without the consent of fully informed voters/taxpayers to commit to this immense debt.
SEPRD's mission is to provide a pool for the community. It's not in the SEPRD mission to bring revenue to the community AKA sport tourism. How did this 'mission creep' become a goal? If the community wants additional programs or expansion of the SEPRD mission, the community needs to be fully informed regarding all aspects of program proposals as well as the full TRUE cost. When you survey the wants of the community, you must include the cost
component or it just becomes a Christmas wish list. It needs to pencil out - and not by picking our pockets.
I am truly hoping you realize the folly of continuing a secretive path in violation of public record and meeting law. Let the voters decide. You might be surprised - we may want to knowingly commit our dollars to programs and costs. But, if people feel cheated or taken advantage of confidence and trust will never return.


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